Sunday, January 3, 2010

What I Know For Sure

Do you read Oprah Magazine? Have you read her column about what she knows for sure? Yeah, she doesn't have kids so I know some things that she doesn't...

I know that no matter how frustrating a day can be, there is nothing so rewarding as the sight of your little one curled up asleep at night. Or your four little ones in my case.

I know that the pay is cruddy, the hours are endless, the nights are often sleepless, but that nothing beats the sloppy kiss of a kid who sneaks up to smooch you out of the blue, just to say he loves you.

I know that my body isn't perfect, thanks to the severe inflation and deflation of pregnancy and that damned gravitational pull, okay, and those vanilla Zingers, but I know that when I sit back and assess my life, I realize that I am truly blessed. I wouldn't change much at all.

What else do I know for sure? That Hoarders is on A&E and I'm addicted...Ironically, a show called Intervention is on right after...


Kenton and Haylee said...

I have to agree! Accept in my case 2, not 4, but 4 soon. Wow. That's kind of a scary thought. I guess I better start saying goodbye to the life I now know!

Kenton and Haylee said...

I love how I spelled except totally wrong. My brain is quite foggy lately. I also wanted to say I'd really enjoy a play date with you. Zack and Quinn really need to play. Ok, and I need some fun adult time as well. I'm quite ditsy now days, so please give me a hollah when you're ready!

Jessica G. said...

I hesitate to mention this, as I'm sure everyone will be completely horrified - but I don't care what Oprah thinks. :)

And you're right...blessings on two small feet are the best kind.