Sunday, December 14, 2008

Real Life

This week I figured out why so many people send photo cards with just the kids on them. If they're anything like me, they hate, I mean absolutely abhor visiting photo studios, and then they try to do pictures at home which end up looking like this one. I actually laughed when I saw this because it's just us, it's so real. Brett's always happy and easy going, the kids are dogpiled on me, the baby is screaming her head off, and I'm just shrugging with a look of, well, at least I'm not paying a sitting fee for this, but I sure could use a Big Gulp! This, by the way, is not the photo I chose for our card-when and IF I ever get the cards done.

So our Christmas is different this year as Brett is away on business and won't be returning until possibly the 23rd, but hopefully this Friday. We've jammed a bunch of this week's activities in over the weekend-we went to see the lights at Temple Square, went to Willard Bay, made ornaments, celebrated Izzy's birthday early, and had hot cocoa. It'll be hard being a single Mom during the first real week of snow and so close to Christmas. I love this time of year and the guy who I cuddle up with on cold nights isn't here to share it with. Also, I have some shopping to finish up and the idea of entering the mall with three kids in tow the week before Christmas kinda makes me want to purposely loose my keys. On the bright side though, we'll be spending a lot of time in our pajamas this week and enjoying Cocoa Krispies for several meals of the day. Also, I'm now free to wrap the Christmas gifts as early as I want and I have the bathtub all to myself! And, when he does make it back we'll get to celebrate by taking a roadtrip to Nevada and gorging ourselves with soda, bacon, cheese, and whatever other fat ass inducing foods my parents' house is always loaded with!


Kenton and Haylee said...

sorry you've been a single mom! Seriously, call me and we'll all have some hot cocoa together. I may not be the most entertaining company, but I've got to be better than nothing, right? We need to get together again anyway. And I like the picture. It's so your family!

Tracy said...

Well, I have to say, I love the picture! And as far as the whole, being alone in the snow without the man you cuddle with...I'm with you! The girls & I are in Washington, while Raymond is still in Cali & wont be here until the 23rd too. Bummer huh! Anyway, the family looks good!

Bre said...

I thought Izzy only cried when I'm around!

Cuddles, Kisses & Tantrums said...

If you enter the mall with all three kids by yourself, you will definitely be the person whom I admire the most on my list. It's too bad that we aren't in school anymore writing papers on our hero! LOL I hope you enjoy your snow (totally jealous of that!) and your cereal. I've got my fingers crossed that Brett will get home early!

Jessica G. said...

Could be could have just had your gut sliced open. :)

Unknown said...

That is a classic card!:)
I don't know how you are doing it by yourself... I watch the clock all day waiting for daddy to rescue me! Good luck!
Merry Christmas!

rkchughes said...

Wendy you make me laugh!! I love the picture. Hope you got our card and hope your Christmas turned out great. Love ya. Be thankful Brett isn't gone for months! But I do know it is rough. You are a great mom.