Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Quote for the Day

A good marriage is like a casserole, only those responsible for it really know what goes in it.

I found this quote today and thought that if my marriage were a casserole it would be cheesy, fattening, and so terrific that everyone would ask for the recipe. I can't tell you what all goes in it, but there are a lot of kindnesses that I don't deserve and a lot of memories and inside jokes that make for a recipe that can't be duplicated. Also, if it were something I were responsible for cooking on my own it would be either over done or cold in the middle. That's why I have Brett. Well, I have him to change my watch during daylight savings time as well, I can never seem to figure that out no matter how I try.

So, what are your secret casserole ingredients?


Cuddles, Kisses & Tantrums said...

I'm so lovin that quote!

Angie said...

I don't know about the ingredients, but my poor Dave... he gets casserole that is hot one minute and cold the other. And also, it cries a lot.

Jessica G. said...

Love Reno's answer! Made me forget what mine was...