Thursday, May 7, 2009

A Packrat's Nightstand

The other day I was considering what type of nightstand I might like if I were to have Brett build me one. I would definately want one with a drawer that locks as my daughter LOVES to unload everything I have on there and I find myself repeatedly shoving everything lying around back in the cupboard space. I think if I were to request a new one however, it would need to have very limited space because I just took inventory of what I have in my current nightstand and not only is it a tiny chest of random treasures, but it's a free standing small town library...

Here is what my tiny little nightstand is housing:

A thin layer of dust
a lamp, alarm clock, 1/2 pack of breath mints, phone and charger
Unaccustomed Earth- Jhumpa Lahiri- just started it, and probably the only book which will move off the shelf as it does have a due date at the city library
The Tipping Point-Malcolm Gladwell, interesting book on economics, a lender from Brett's bookshelf
The Good Earth- Pearl Buck, a good reminder that my life REALLY isn't as sucky as it sometimes feels, it could always be much worse.
Blackbird House-Alice Hoffman- a favorite fall read which leaves me craving red pears
Replay- Ken Grimwood-about a guy who relived his life repeatedly-really makes you think about it for a while after reading
The Universe in a Single Atom-Dalai Lama-curious guy, I've only just started this one
The Last Lecture-by what's his butt who was on Oprah. Just watch the video clip and you'll get the gist-trust me.
Me Talk Pretty One Day-David Sedaris-He's very gay and very very funny, I love his writing.
The Screwtape Letters- C.S. Lewis-clever, clever devil.
The March '08 Ensign- An Easter issue from last year
elementary school book of brain teasers- I sometimes like to quiz Brett on U.S. presidents-the guy remembers ALL of them!
a daily pregnancy calendar
The Book of Mormon- legally blind sized
pot of mango body butter
bag of colored pencils
my journal
a plastic play cookie
one newborn diaper
2 Barbie shoes, one peach, one turqoise
a savings bond,
a bassinet crib sheet

You get the point and I would really consider moving some of this, but never know what you're in the mood to read each night. Maybe what I do need though is not a new nightstand, but a lockbox full of candy and cookies and a small fridge holding necessary refreshments and a few pints of ice cream. Oh, and some spoons.

So, what's on your nightstand?


Bre said...

Book of Moron
Square foot gardening by Mel Bartholomew
the phone
a rice bag
a Barbie note book that Naomi has colored on every page
ear plugs
ponytail holders
bobby pins

I think you've got a much more extensive library

by the way while typing this your blog page played the Flight of the Conchords "most beautiful girl in the room" and Naomi said, Mom this would be great fiesta music.

Holly said...

I just got a NEW nightstand! The rest of the bedroom set will soon be coming. Mine's actually pretty clean since it's so new. I know I've got the laptop in there, the camera cord thingy that allows you to put the pictures on your computer, two different sets of scriptures, my journal, the kids journals, Fire of the Covenant- Gerald Lund?, The Tightwad Gazette- Amy Dacyzyn, an old calendar, Toss the Guilt and Catch the Joy- Merrilee Boyack.

Anonymous said...

Mine is actually pretty clean because well all it is is two shelfs and no drawers or hidden cupboards. Maybe I'll have to have Peter build me one. So it currently contains a lamp, alarm clock, ponytail holders, bobby pins, and my current book: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Got to get caught up before the movie comes out!

Caralee said...

Beware: I didn't like Unaccustomed Earth as much as Interpreter of Maladies & The Namesake. I hope Jhumpa Lahiri isn't losing her touch!

Jessica G. said...

I think I have the matches to your Barbie shoes...